Spot Specific Apps

SEVEN DEADLY SINS - Episode 1 1.0.2
Spot Specific
Meet the 7 DEADLY SiNS: Anger, Envy, Gluttony,Greed, Lust, Pride and Sloth. Part character animation, partcharacter assassination. Watch animations, preview future episodesand download sinful stuff for free.CONFESS! each of your SiNS via Twitter with in-App instantconfession!
Glasgow Music Tour City Centre 1.0
Spot Specific
The Walking Heads Glasgow Music Tour is theessential app for music fans with a sense of adventure.For just £0.99, download an audio tour that takes you off thebeaten track to explore the city's old and new legends includingSauchiehall St. Meet musicians, DJs, broadcasters and local peoplein the know. Discover why Glasgow is Britain's first UNESCO City ofMusic and one of the most vibrant and exhilarating music cities inthe world.The tour covers over 1 miles, 7 venues and at least 100 years ofmusic history. There are lots of places to stop for a refreshmentor have a look around at the destinations and venues on the tour.Hear interviews with the likes of Radio Scotland's Vic Galloway,Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite, Emma Pollock from The Delgados andJill Rodger from the Jazz Festival as well as many more famousnames from the Glasgow music scene past and present.Brought to you by the team behind Radio Magnetic, one of theUK's longest running internet radio stations, the Glasgow MusicTour takes you to the city's much loved venues old and newincluding the Nice N Sleazys, O2 ABC, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall,the site of the legendary Apollo and loads more. Your guide andnarrator is Scottish music guru, radio presenter and DJ, JimGellatly.And the music? Well, you name it… rock, pop, hip hop, indie,house, punk, reggae, electronica, classical, jazz, soul, blues,folk, techno and, from time to time, the completelyunclassifiable.The app also enables you to tweet your discoveries, get specialoffers from the venues, find out what's going on and call orconnect with venues to book tickets for gigs.For more information visit:walkingheads.netTwitter
Glasgow Music Tour Centre West 1.0
Spot Specific
The Walking Heads Glasgow Music Tour is theessential app for music fans with a sense of adventure.For just £0.99, download an audio tour that takes you off thebeaten track to explore the city's old and new legends and delveinto Glasgow's underground. Meet musicians, DJs, broadcasters andlocal people in the know. Discover why Glasgow is Britain's firstUNESCO City of Music and one of the most vibrant and exhilaratingmusic cities in the world.The tour covers over 1 miles, 7 venues and at least 200 years ofmusic history. There are lots of places to stop for a refreshmentor have a look around at the destinations and venues on the tour.Hear interviews with the likes of Radio Scotland's Vic Galloway,Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite, Emma Pollock from The Delgados andJill Rodger from the Jazz Festival as well as many more famousnames from the Glasgow music scene past and present.Brought to you by the team behind Radio Magnetic, one of theUK's longest running internet radio stations, the Glasgow MusicTour takes you to the city's much loved venues old and newincluding the The Arches, The Sub Club, The Cathouse and the worldfamous King Tut's Wah Wah Hut. Your guide and narrator is Scottishmusic guru, radio presenter and DJ, Jim Gellatly.And the music? Well, you name it… rock, pop, hip hop, indie,house, punk, reggae, electronica, classical, jazz, soul, blues,folk, techno and, from time to time, the completelyunclassifiable.The app also enables you to tweet your discoveries, get specialoffers from the venues, find out what's going on and call orconnect with venues to book tickets for gigs.For more information visit:walkingheads.netTwitter
Walking Heads Glasgow Free 1.0.2
Spot Specific
The Walking Heads Glasgow Music Tour is theessential app for music fans with a sense of adventure.Glasgow Music Tour Free App takes you off the beaten track toexplore old and new legends of Britain’s first UNESCO City of Music– one of the most exciting and vibrant music cities in the world.Covering over 3 miles, 24 venues and at least 200 years of musichistory, Glasgow Music Tour includes four different routes. Thefree app opens the way to Glasgow’s much loved venues in fourdistinctly different parts of the city including the Barrowland,King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, Old Fruitmarket, Britannia Panopticon,Mono, Stereo, 13th Note, O2 Academy, O2 ABC, Sub Club, Arches,Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, the site of the legendary Apollo andloads more. Your guide and narrator is Scottish music guru, radiopresenter and DJ, Jim Gellatly.And the music? Well, you name it… rock, pop, hip hop, indie,house, punk, reggae, electronica, classical, jazz, folk, technoand, from time to time, the completely unclassifiable.The app enables you to tweet your discoveries, get specialoffers from the venues, find out what's going on and call orconnect with venues to book tickets for gigs.For just £1.99 you can upgrade to the Premium App and listen tothe full audio tour taking you to meet musicians, DJs, broadcastersand local people in the know on all four routes of Glasgow MusicTour. An unforgettable story unfolds through interviews with thelikes of Radio One's Vic Galloway, Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite,Emma Pollock from The Delgados and Hue & Cry's Greg Kane aswell as many more famous names from the Glasgow music scene pastand present.For more information visit:walkingheads.netTwitter
Edinburgh Comedy Tour 1.3
Spot Specific
The Edinburgh Comedy Tour is a downloadableaudio walking tour that guides you round famous comic sites of theEdinburgh Fringe. Produced by Walking Heads Ltd, this is a walkingtour with a difference, which peels back layers of history andfolklore to reveal that fact is not just stranger but often funnierthan fiction. This is a side of Edinburgh you won't find in guidebooks.Our guide on the tour, blind local historian Jamie MacDonald, ishelped and hindered by his hapless assistant Harry Gooch as he setsout to explore old and new venues of the Edinburgh Fringe. Togetherthey will lead you on a hilarious tour of Scotland’s capital citypeppered with anecdotes from comedians Bruce Morton and SusanMorrison. Very few stones are left unturned.The 90 minute tour starts at the Fringe Shop in the Royal Mileand ends at The Stand Comedy Club in York Place. Other venues inbetween include Underbelly, Udderbelly, Gilded Balloon, Assemblyand The Pleasance. Key venues are marked on the map and the audiotour also includes clear descriptions of how to get from onedestination to the next with time for more stories from Bruce andSusan on the way.The Edinburgh Comedy Tour is available for download for £3.99.Now you can enjoy the atmosphere and excitement of the Fringe allyear round. Walk the tour or listen in the comfort of your home andlaugh your way around the City.Coming soon: The Glasgow Music Tour presented by Jim Gellatlythe voice of New Music in Scotland. There is so much musicalhistory and culture to explore in the venues and streets ofGlasgow. Join Jim and friends and be guided around the City on thistwo-part tour uncovering hidden places and forgotten stories as youvisit past and present music venues from the world famousBarrowland Ballroom in Glasgow’s east end to the legendary KingTuts where supergroup Oasis were discovered. This is anunforgettable experience that takes you off the ‘beaten track’ andintroduces you to the larger than life characters and musicians whohave made Glasgow the UK’s first UNESCO City of Music.
Venart Photography 1.0
Spot Specific
This app allows you to keep up to date withallthe latest information and photographs from VenartPhotography.Browse our regularly updated portrait and weddinggalleries, aswell as view a sample wedding storybook album to giveyou aninsight into our design process. You can contact us directlyviathis app with any questions or queries, or to bookanappointment.
Belle and Sebastian 1.0.2
Spot Specific
Turn your Android phone into yourpersonalassistant from Belle and Sebastian.
Glasgow Music Tour River 1.0
Spot Specific
The Walking Heads Glasgow Music Tour istheessential app for music fans with a sense of adventure.For just £0.99, download an audio tour that takes you offthebeaten track to explore the city's old and new legends nearthefamous Glasgow riverside. Meet musicians, DJs, broadcastersandlocal people in the know. Discover why Glasgow is Britain'sfirstUNESCO City of Music and one of the most vibrant andexhilaratingmusic cities in the world.The tour covers over 1 mile, 4 venues and at least 200 yearsofmusic history. There are lots of places to stop for arefreshmentor have a look around at the destinations and venues onthe tour.Hear interviews with the likes of Radio Scotland's VicGalloway,Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite, Emma Pollock from TheDelgados andJill Rodger from the Jazz Festival as well as many morefamousnames from the Glasgow music scene past and present.Brought to you by the team behind Radio Magnetic, one of theUK'slongest running internet radio stations, the Glasgow MusicTourtakes you to the city's much loved venues old and newincluding theO2 Academy, The Scotia Bar, The Clutha Vaults andloads more. Yourguide and narrator is Scottish music guru, radiopresenter and DJ,Jim Gellatly.And the music? Well, you name it… rock, pop, hip hop,indie,house, punk, reggae, electronica, classical, jazz, soul,blues,folk, techno and, from time to time, thecompletelyunclassifiable.The app also enables you to tweet your discoveries, getspecialoffers from the venues, find out what's going on and callorconnect with venues to book tickets for gigs.For more information visit:walkingheads.netTwitter
Glasgow Music Tour Centre East 1.0
Spot Specific
The Walking Heads Glasgow Music Tour istheessential app for music fans with a sense of adventure. For just £0.99, download an audio tour that takes you offthebeaten track to explore the city's old and new legends in theeastend of Glasgow. Meet musicians, DJs, broadcasters and localpeoplein the know. Discover why Glasgow is Britain's first UNESCOCity ofMusic and one of the most vibrant and exhilarating musiccities inthe world.The tour covers over 1 mile, 7 venues and at least 200 yearsofmusic history. There are lots of places to stop for arefreshmentor have a look around at the destinations and venues onthe tour.Hear interviews with the likes of Radio Scotland's VicGalloway,Mogwai's Stuart Braithwaite, Emma Pollock from TheDelgados andJill Rodger from the Jazz Festival as well as many morefamousnames from the Glasgow music scene past and present.Brought to you by the team behind Radio Magnetic, one of theUK'slongest running internet radio stations, the Glasgow MusicTourtakes you to the city's much loved venues old and newincluding theBarrowland, Old Fruitmarket, Mono, 13th Note and BritanniaPanopticon. Your guide and narrator is Scottish musicguru, radiopresenter and DJ, Jim Gellatly.And the music? Well, you name it… rock, pop, hip hop,indie,house, punk, reggae, electronica, classical, jazz, soul,blues,folk, techno and, from time to time, thecompletelyunclassifiable.The app also enables you to tweet your discoveries, getspecialoffers from the venues, find out what's going on and callorconnect with venues to book tickets for gigs.For more information visit:walkingheads.netTwitter
St Kilda 1.0.3
Spot Specific
St KildaThe story of St Kilda captures the imagination.This unique UNESCO Double World Heritage site has anextraordinarilyrich tale to tell - the story of human survival ona small group ofisolated islands, the story of unique naturalhistory and distinctgeology.The remotest part of the British Isles, lying out intheAtlantic, some 40 miles from the nearest land, St Kildaisdifficult to get to. St Kilda, the islands, can now bevisitedthough St Kilda the app.A link to the archipelago, past and present, in your pocket.StKilda the app usesfilm; images old and new and the voices of the islanders -bothGaelic and English - weaving their music and song to telltheislands story.Includes:St Kilda CompassWill the timeless lure of the archipelago draw your St KildaCompassneedle toward the islands?Find out how far you are from St Kilda.The Compass calculates your current distance away and points youinthe islands' direction.A Voyage to St Kilda.A complete digital edition of Martin Martin's 1697 book, VoyagetoSt Kilda.St Kilda News.News updates from the Islands' current inhabitants.Explore the islands’ towering cliffs, home to huge coloniesofseabirds.Discover the story of St Kilda, its resilient people andtheirunique culture.Enjoy the music and song that St Kilda has inspired.Brought to you by Ionad Hiort - the new St Kilda Experience -inthe village of Mangersta in the district of Uig, on the westcoastof the Isle of Lewis, the focus for sharing the islands'story.
Turas Uig 1.0.3
Spot Specific
TURAS UIGGPS-located stories from the landscape of beautiful UigBay,Isle-of-Lewis, Scotland.The Uig Trail, an Turas Uig in our Gaelic language, bringsthelandscape of Uig Bay alive through the stories of those whohavelived here.THE STORIESSeven stories criss-cross time and place, linking legendandhistory, mixing myth and fact, opening up a new waysofunderstanding the landscape. Murder, robbery, buriedtreasure,myth, fact, legend and a hanging - local life over tencenturies inyour pocket.The storyteller and narrator for the project is Dr FinlayMacleodwith Chrisella Ross.THE APPWherever you are in the world listen to the stories in Englishorthe original Gaelic and listen to the bonus local Uig song,TheHigh Surge of the Sea. Better still, visit us in Uig and lettheapp and GPS location retell you the stories on the spot.THE PLACEUig Bay is one of the most beautiful places on earth. On the edgeofthe Atlantic Ocean the Uig district is home to a cluster ofsmallvillage communities. These communities trace their languageandculture back over the centuries and now share them with youthroughTuras Uig app.Wherever one stands on Uig Sands one can see where each of thesevenstories is located. Walking the beach and exploring allsevenstories (or listening to them elsewhere) will bring thelandscapeto life.